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December 24

We went to the fields near 360 and Valero outside our subdivision. I laid tracks for Cheeky and Sizzle 40/50/60 steps.  Cheeky were food drops every 2 steps.  Cheeky still tends to run to the article about 5-6 feet from it.  I’m not sure how to prevent that without standing still and causing her to get confused and look back at me.  I'm thinking this is something I'm causing or allows because Sizzle is doing the same thing.  Other than that, she is keeping her nose down and working on most of the track.


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January 5: Left Turn Track Day Four

I  put in a track at the Battlefield Green Community Center near a line of trees.  It was overcast and 63°F. The track was 80 scuff steps, left turn and second leg was 60 scuff steps.   Cheeky was mostly happy and tracked well, but after the turn she really wanted to go backwards.  I stood still and waited for her to decide to go forward.  She was pretty determined.  She seemed anxious either because it was getting dark or because there were dogs barking nearby.   At one point before the turn I made the mistake of correcting her for sniffing some trash.  I don't know if that caused some of her anxiety too.  Eventually she did decide to move forward and did well on the remainder of the track.  The video is below.  You'll see her off screen for quite a while after the turn and that's the point where she was trying to pull me backwards.

December 27

Today we went to Cold Harbor Battlefield for the first time this year.  We have tracked near there, but not actually at the Battlefield until today.  It was very busy around 2 pm (I guess because of the holiday).  I was a little concerned it was going to be very noisy, but the dog walking group that was meeting up while I was laying the tracks for Cheeky moved along before she got out of the van.  As we were walking over to our tracks, a man was about to walk his three dogs right into the start of our first track.  I asked him to steer clear and he was very nice about it.  Unfortunately, he lost his handle on his leashes not once but twice and his dogs came running over to Cheeky.  Both times she didn't seem bothered by it and I picked her up until he had control of his dogs and moved away.   It was 41°F and not windy when I laid three tracks for Cheeky that were 50/60/70 scuff steps and food drops every three steps.  She got right to work despite the early interruptions.  She did

January 2: Practicing our Left Turn at Cold Harbor Battlefield

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